The Autonomic Homeostasis Activation Podcast
Hosted by Tom Pals and Ruth Lorensson, The Autonomic Homeostasis Activation Podcast explores how activating the brain to engage in homeostasis to restore optimal function holistically supports managing stress and trauma. Each episode delves into practical strategies and inspiring conversations that nurture wellness in mind, body, and spirit. Join Tom and Ruth as they break down the neuroscience of Autonomic Homeostasis Activation™ (AHA), share real-world insights, and empower you to experience greater freedom and well being in your everyday life.
The Autonomic Homeostasis Activation Podcast
Believe in Beneficence
In this episode of the "Autonomic Healing Podcast," hosts Tom Pals and Ruth Lorensson delve into the concept of believing in beneficence in the face of adversity. They discuss how adversity can challenge the innate benevolence within us and how choosing to act in ways that are beneficial can fundamentally alter our experience of adversity.
Tom and Ruth emphasize that it's not just about wishful thinking or optimism; it's about living out the good within us even when faced with difficulties. They encourage listeners to not let adversity define their identity and actions, but to recognize their own agency in choosing to act in a beneficial way.
The episode sets the stage for the upcoming discussion on contentment, highlighting the idea that contentment can be achieved independent of external circumstances when we practice believing in beneficence.
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