The Autonomic Homeostasis Activation Podcast
Hosted by Tom Pals and Ruth Lorensson, The Autonomic Homeostasis Activation Podcast explores how activating the brain to engage in homeostasis to restore optimal function holistically supports managing stress and trauma. Each episode delves into practical strategies and inspiring conversations that nurture wellness in mind, body, and spirit. Join Tom and Ruth as they break down the neuroscience of Autonomic Homeostasis Activation™ (AHA), share real-world insights, and empower you to experience greater freedom and well being in your everyday life.
The Autonomic Homeostasis Activation Podcast
The Seeds of Change
There can be a lot of stress associated with change. Generally, it involves the loss of something, someone, or a situation from the past that is no longer present. As a result of it, we are moved towards new realities and led towards the possibilities of what might be. The way in which we respond to change in a healthy way is crucial because either we are able to take advantage of its benefits or we become stuck in damaging ways of thinking.
Listen in as Tom and Ruth talk about these dynamics within a change context. In particular, they discuss how grief plays a key role in the acceptance of the seeds of change that are being planted.
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