The Autonomic Homeostasis Activation Podcast
Hosted by Tom Pals and Ruth Lorensson, The Autonomic Homeostasis Activation Podcast explores how activating the brain to engage in homeostasis to restore optimal function holistically supports managing stress and trauma. Each episode delves into practical strategies and inspiring conversations that nurture wellness in mind, body, and spirit. Join Tom and Ruth as they break down the neuroscience of Autonomic Homeostasis Activation™ (AHA), share real-world insights, and empower you to experience greater freedom and well being in your everyday life.
The Autonomic Homeostasis Activation Podcast
Join hosts Ruth and Tom on this episode of The Autonomic Healing Podcast. They delve into the topic of contentmentand its crucial role in rational intimacy. In spite of the fact that many of us desire contentment, in our never-ending to-do lists it is often pushed to the side. Ruth and Tom discuss why this is the case and offer practical tips on cultivating a content mindset. They also explore how contentment positively impacts our relationships, leading to deeper emotional connections and increasing healthy intimacy with others. Don't miss out on this enlightening conversation and learn how to prioritize contentment in your own life.
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